EDUROAM Wi-Fi system

EduRoam (Education Roaming) is a service that offers secure access to the Wi-Fi network in Europe. Guest users who visit an institution that is part of the EduRoam federation are able to access the University wireless network (Wi-Fi) using their university credentials (username and password), without further formalities at the host facility.

Kore University of Enna is part of EduRoam. In fact, a SSID Eduroam is visible in the Wi-Fi University whose access methods are the same as those adopted for the unikore network.

EduRoam allows:

  • guest users of a federated university to access the university network with their credentials provided to them by their institution
  • UKE users to be able to access the networks of other institutes abroad using unikore credentials.

Technical data

EduRoam is an infrastructure based on a RADIUS server network that uses 802.1x, in particular the EAP-TTLS-PAP and PEAP-MSCHAPv2 methods are supported by Unikore, to use it the instructions for accessing the Unikore network are valid.

Download your configuration profile (Warning: do not download the profile in case of MacOSX Sierra)

Outside the UKE campuses, users of the University of Enna must add the domain ( to their University credentials.